Employee Recognition & Employee Engagement | C.A. Short Company

How to Support Employee Engagement at Home

Written by R Scott Russell, CRP, CEP | Apr 23, 2020 11:45:00 AM

We are currently living in a world of uncertainty with most businesses having to adapt to working from home for the unforeseeable future. Now, more than ever it is important to ensure employees are feeling appreciated, recognized and connected to their company and peers. We as leaders must balance these along with the realities of isolation, burnout and a general lack of well-being. Implementing an employee engagement strategy is a great way to reduce stress and promote productivity when  folks are working from home. We’ve put together a list of tips to inspire employees, remind managers and improve overall employee engagement. 


Keeping Up Friendly Social Interactions 

We often take for granted the short conversations or social cues we have with coworkers on a daily basis. These interactions are necessary to building positive relationships within the workplace and feeling comfortable in our work environment. When these interactions are gone, employees may feel less involved and connected as a team. Try promoting employee recognition among your team through words of encouragement or by highlighting how employees have stood out during the work week. Utilizing a social forum like Workplace, Yammer or C.A. Short's version, our Recognition Room, are all great outlets.

It’s still extremely important to keep up with company milestones, birthdays and anniversaries. Even though you may not be celebrating in-person, a mailed card or e-Card can go a long way with ensuring employees feel appreciated within the workplace. If you normally celebrate by going on a team lunch, schedule a delivery to their home instead! Whatever the occasion and with today's technology, we can figure out a way to include our remote workforce.


Virtual Happy Hours

Now that our homes have become our new offices, it can sometimes be difficult for employees to know when to turn off the computer and take a break. By encouraging employees to participate in a virtual happy hour or a virtual coffee break, you can reduce stress and provide opportunities for colleagues to discuss more than just work. Not only does this help mentally and emotionally, but it can also help your employees connect and learn more about one another by discussing favorite books, TV shows, or hiking trails. The virtual lunch and learn has become very popular for us well. It's truly about being heartfelt, empathetic and deliberate. Our people are looking for us to lead, even if it's leading some fun.


Encourage Collaboration

Employee collaboration helps employees to learn from each other and foster creativity. It can enhance problem-solving skills and improve production times. Encourage your employees to brainstorm ideas or reach out to other employees if they are feeling overwhelmed with a particular task. Implementing a collaborative work culture can ensure your employees feel empowered as a team and you will work through this current challenge together. Collaboration is one of our ever important Core Values. It is one of the very best ways for people to feel empowered while staying connected to their colleagues and organization. Having a platform to allow this to be a seamless process while working remote, is paramount.


Get Employee Feedback

The more you know about how your employees are feeling, the better you can implement a strategy for facilitating a healthy work-life balance. Utilizing an employee engagement survey can help you determine your employees attitudes to their current situation and help you craft a plan for improving remote workplace challenges going forward. At CA Short, we’ve put together a free employee engagement survey to help you better understand ways you can improve. We will administer the survey for you and help you analyze the results. Understanding  your employees current state of engagement is the easy part, knowing how to improve the results is the artistry.

While we are all currently facing adversity, we will get through it! At CA Short, we understand the importance of workplace culture and fostering a positive environment for employee happiness and growth. By utilizing some of the remote workplace engagement tips we mentioned above, you can ensure your employees feel connected and appreciated during these trying times. Contact Us today for more information on implementing an employee engagement program.