Safety awareness events and compliance dates are centered around bringing awareness to a specific subject area.
They also improve compliance and understanding of safer work practices.
Safety awareness events send a message of appreciation to your employees. Morally and ethically, an organization has the responsibility to return their employees safe at home each night just like they received them in the morning.
The first step to utilizing awareness days in your recognition strategy is to plan which days would be valuable to your company and employees. There are a variety of awareness days, weeks, and months to show appreciation, raise awareness, reduce accidents and increase employee engagement.
Lesser known awareness days or weeks can offer additional themes and a short-term focus for program boosts.
Many Safety Awareness Days are centered around causes and appreciation, making them a natural fit for safety incentive programs.
2021 Safety Events & Compliance Dates Calendar
March 2021
All Month
- National Nutrition Month
- National Ladder Safety Month
- Workplace Eye Wellness Month
March 2: Electronic OSHA filing due
March 5: Employee Appreciation Day
March 15: MIS drug and alcohol testing report due
March 21-27: National Poison Prevention Week
March 29-April 2: Grain Safety Stand Up Week
March 31: Clean Air Act Greenhouse Gas Reporting program (GHGRP)
April 2021
All Month
- Workplace Violence Awareness Month
- Alcohol Awareness Month
- Distracted Driving Awareness Month
- Stress Awareness Month
April 4-10: National Window Safety Week
April 7: World Health Day
April 21: Administrative Professional's Day
April 22: Earth Day
April 26-30: National Work Zone Awareness Week
April 28:
Workers' Memorial Day
World Day for Safety & Health at Work
May 2021
All Month
- National Electric Safety Month
- National Water Safety Month
- Better Sleep Month
- Better Hearing Month
- National Building Safety Month
- Clean Air Month
- Healthy Vision Month
- Mental Health Month
- Global Employee Health & Fitness Month
May 2-8: North American Occupational Safety and Health Week
May 3-7:
Air Quality Awareness Week
Construction Safety Week
National Safety Stand-Down To Prevent Falls in Construction
May 4-6: CVSA International Roadcheck
May 17-June 6: Click It or Ticket Campaign
June 2021
All Month
- National Safety Month
- National Migraine & Headache Awareness Month
- Home Safety Month
- Trench Safety Month
June 6: National Secure Your Load Day
June 8: National Forklift Safety Day
June 20-23: National Lightning Safety Awareness Week
July 2021
All Month
- Vehicle Theft Prevention Month
- National Fireworks Safety Month
July 1: Toxic Release Inventory Due
July 11-17: Operation Safe Driver Week
July 31: Heatstroke Awareness Day
August 2021
All Month
- Impaired Driving National Enforcement (Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over)
- National Immunization Awareness Month
August 9-15: OSHA Safe + Sound Week
August 22-28: CVSA Brake Safety Week
August 31: Form 2290 (Heavy Highway Vehicle Unit Tax) Due
September 2021
All Month
- National Preparedness Month
- National Food Safety Month
September 12-18: National Driver Appreciation Week
September 20-26: Falls Prevention Week
October 2021
All Month
- National Crime Prevention Month
- National Protect Your Hearing Month
- Eye Injury Prevention Month
- National Substance Abuse Prevention Month
October 1: Manufacturing Day
October 3-9: National Fire Prevention Week
October 14: Medicare Part D coverage notices Due
November 2021
November 1-8: Drowsy Driving Prevention Week
December 2021
All Month
- National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month
- Worldwide Food Service Safety Month
- National Impaired Driving Prevention Month
- "Holiday Season" Drunk Driving Campaign
December 5-11:
National Handwashing Awareness Week
National Influenza Vaccination Week
C.A. SHORT Safety Incentive PROGRAMS
C.A. Short Company has over 80 years of experience building employee engagement and recognition programs. Whether your goal is to improve the overall value and quality of your employees' service, to manage and promote safe behavior within your safety culture, or to implement creative employee performance ideas for keeping your workforce motivated and focused. C.A. Short company offers custom safety incentive and recognition programs.