People Are Everything Support
Do you need assistance with an order, account set up, or logging in?
Use the links below to create an account or reset your password:
Already Have Your Account Information?
Download Our Mobile App!
Support Assistance
If you are still experiencing problems with your account please click the button below to fill out a form or call 800-535-5690. Our call center is open 8 AM to 6 PM EST.
Frequently Asked Questions
I forgot my People Are Everything username and password. How can I log in?
Simply click the Forgot Your Password link on the People Are Everything site, and we'll have you logged on in no time!
Where's my order?
As soon as your order ships, the tracking number will display under My Orders.
How do I update my address?
Change your address on the Profile page under the My Account heading.
Can I purchase points?
Points cannot be purchased. Please contact your program administrator for information on how you can earn points.
What to do if I can't see any images?
Clear your browser's cache by pressing Ctrl and F5 and try again.
Why update the browser's cache? When you visit a website, your browser stores information (such as the location of the site you visited) and files used to run an online application. When we update our application, your browser may still use old files which can cause display or access problems. Clearing your browser cache may help our site run better on your computer. Your browser's "Help" section should provide instructions on clearing your cache.