Service Anniversary Awards: 5 Letter of Appreciation Templates

Nov 24, 2023 2:11:00 PM | Service Awards Service Anniversary Awards: 5 Letter of Appreciation Templates

Service anniversary awards (also referred to as years of service awards, milestone awards, service awards, service milestone, and employee anniversaries) recognize employees when they hit a specific work anniversary.

Appreciation letters are essential for the presentation of your service anniversary awards, but sometimes it can be a daunting task to get started.

With these templates, you’ll never have to create appreciation letters from scratch. Use them as a guide for your employee's next service anniversary!

Employee Milestone Recognition: 5 Appreciation Letter Templates 

Service Anniversary Template #1

Congratulations [First Name]!

In celebrating your service anniversary, we recognize the valuable contributions you have made to our organization.

We strive for a culture that values and supports our employees. We understand that you are the core of our organization. Your passions for [helping our customers and coworkers] is what makes a difference every day.

As a symbol of our deep appreciation for your many contributions, [2,500 points will be deposition into your online point bank on your anniversary on our employee engagement platform].

We hope it will remind you of our appreciation for your [one] year of service. Your loyalty to [Company Name] is deeply appreciated and we commend you for your fine work.

We join in with other [Company Name] employees to congratulate you on reaching this milestone and look forward to many more milestones to come!

Service Anniversary Template #2

Congratulations! As you reach this milestone in your career, [it is with great pride that we present your service award choices to you.]

Please select one of the awards featured in the enclosed brochure. This award reflects our appreciation for your dedicated years of service and is a symbol of your person and professional achievement. It is our hope that you will wear, us or display it with price.

Thank you for all that you do and please accept our good wishes on the anniversary of your employment with [Company Name].

Service Anniversary Template #3

Congratulations on your milestone anniversary!

Your talent, energy, and commitment have been important to our success. Your contributions have helped us on our journey to become [a great company].

To celebrate your service, please choose [a gift from our online catalog].

I’m grateful for the long-term dedication you’ve shown [Company Name].

Service Anniversary Template #4

Congratulations on achieving [#] years of service at [Company Name]. You have made a tremendous contribution to the company’s progress during your tenure, and we are grateful that you are a part of this team.

The accomplishments that we have achieved across the spectrum of [Company Name] are a testament to our loyal and dedicated employees. We are unique and it is that uniqueness that makes us nimble and able to explore opportunities that allow [Company Name] to grow, as well as ready us for the future. We hope you continue to be a part of those efforts. We want your success to grow too!

Again, congratulations on this remarkable milestone, and thank you for your loyalty! You are one of the reasons why [Company Name] is a great place to work!

Service Anniversary Template #5


You've reached an important milestone in your career at [Company Name]. I wanted to celebrate your [#]-year service anniversary and thank you for your significant dedication to our company.

We honor your [#] year service at [Company Name] and though we measure it in years, we really are pausing at your anniversary to recognize your personal commitment and all that you've done to help the company during those years.

Again, congratulations on achieving this landmark anniversary. We are proud to recognize your important role with the gift of a watch of your choice.

Upgraded Years of Service Programs

Service awards have been upgraded from the traditional years of service model with meaningful award choices. In today's diverse workplace, not everyone wants the same award as their colleagues. 

Service awards are also typically added to a holistic recognition strategy that includes forms of day-to-day, informal, and formal recognition.

When done correctly, an upgraded years of service program create memorable moments, foster a sense of belonging, and honor contributions made to your organization.

Our years of service certificate templates may also be of interest. Choose the certificate color that best matches your branding and fill in your employee’s information using the writeable PDF form. Fill out the form below to receive your certificates.

YOS Certificate (2)