How Do You Engage the Millennial Workforce? Mentor Them

Nov 9, 2015 2:00:00 AM | Employee Engagement How Do You Engage the Millennial Workforce? Mentor Them

Engaging the Millennial Workforce- C.A. Short Company- CASC

If you're like hundreds of other companies, you're likely asking yourself, "How do you engage the millennial workforce?" And, if you're not asking that question, chances are you're setting yourself up for disaster. Let's take a look at a few areas where many can improve: creating relationships and mentoring. 

The most obvious first step of engaging a certain demographic is having the ability to relate to the group on a creative and cultural level. Trust me when I say, the millennial generation is a social generation who sees through fake relational efforts.  There's no reason to try to be something you're not.

Don't worry, hope is not lost!  Even if  you are a Millennial's senior by 10 or 20 (or 30) years, that doesn't mean that you can't find common ground to engage this workforce generation. In fact, you have a valuable point-of-view that they can latch onto - experience!  You have been where they are and you may be where they want to be. 

Being their best friend or faking it is not what this generation needs. TweetThis!  They need mentors who can give them a map to navigate corporate waters.  They are looking for leaders who will rise up and recognize their value while coaching them to greatness. They are not satisfied with status quo and they have no desire to stand still.

Just know, this is a win-win relationship for the Generation Y and Generation X workers.

In turn, the Millennial workforce offers you insight to what is new, fresh, and blooming in the fields of marketing and business.  They represent a new generation of creativity as well as a large chunk of your customer/client demographic.  Take the time to stop and listen to what your Millennial staff has to say. Your bottom line will thank you for it.

They're not taking your job, they're enhancing it and painting you relevant.  

Embrace the Millennial.

Not to brag but I took a Buzzfeed test that asks, "Are you a Millennial or a Generation X'er?" I scored as a millennial.  Not too bad for a Generation X'er right?  Take a moment to take the quiz, you might find some areas that you have in common with another generation.

If you're looking for more ways to inspire your company to greatness, print out our 35 Ways Poster and hang it up!

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