10 Types of Employee Recognition Awards

Jan 4, 2023 1:42:00 PM | Employee Recognition 10 Types of Employee Recognition Awards

Most people want to feel valued in various aspects of life, and work is certainly no exception. Since employees study, train, and strive to gain professional experience they can share with their employers, they need to know that their efforts are appreciated.

Unfortunately, many employers are still working to understand how vital employee recognition is. A 2016 Gallup analysis reported that only one in three U.S. workers felt that they received praise or recognition for their work over the past seven days. Employers who don't remedy this issue risk losing employees since the report also indicates that employees who do not feel adequately recognized are far more likely to leave their job in the next year.

A well-designed and executed employee recognition program and a culture of recognition let employees know that their work matters each day. 

What Is Employee Recognition?

Employee recognition is an intentional, mindful, and organized practice of taking time to identify and recognize essential factors such as employees' efforts, productivity, cooperation and teamwork, skills learned, experience gained, and traditional milestones like birthdays and employment anniversaries in tangible or intangible manners.

Why Are Employee Recognition Awards Important?

Today's employees thrive on constructive feedback and positive reinforcement for their endeavors and achievements. Employee recognition awards also encourage employees to repeat good performances and work to do even better, which offers employers a strong ROI.

10 Types of Employee Recognition Awards

The following 10 types of employee recognition awards are a good starting point to help employers and HR teams kick off a successful recognition program for employees that is brimming with meaning and value that will keep employees content and proud to be a part of the team.

1.Employee of the Month

The employee of the month award will never go out of style, as it recognizes workers who outperformed peers during a given month. This common and somewhat competitive award offers every employee a chance to shine since they are working to boost identifiable goals, such as increasing sales numbers or providing friendly and helpful customer service.

2. Employee Anniversary Recognition

At a minimum, employees want their managers and supervisors to remember and acknowledge their hire date, especially if it is a notable year, such as the five-year mark, or if the employee has worked for the company for a decade. However, it is becoming more important for employers to acknowledge annual hire dates. More importantly, employees want to feel like the company appreciates their service by doing more than giving a standard pin or potted plant. Sending a departmental email to the employee and their coworkers adds an extra dash of meaning to the award.

3. Excellence in Workplace Safety

Safety in the workplace is essential for everyone's well-being, including the employer's. Employers appreciate employees who work hard to develop and foster a culture focused on safety and health. The criteria for such an award might include identifying threats to health and safety in the workplace. Employers might choose to offer this award annually or periodically as needed to make sure to show gratitude for keeping everyone safe. 

4. Exemplary Teamwork Attitude

Even if employees work primarily on their own, teamwork is a critical aspect of any business. It speaks to a broader sense of communication and cooperation among department peers and across the organization. For this award, employers typically select someone who practices and promotes strong trust, cooperation, communication, and respect for different viewpoints and approaches.

5. Most Recognized Employee

Some employees have the ability to touch nearly everyone's professional life in a positive way. Employees who receive frequent praise and accolades among peers, management, and customers need some serious recognition and a meaningful award in gratitude.

6. Best Customer Service

Employees who can handle any customer, even those with complaints, are invaluable to a business. They serve as a goodwill ambassador for a business, so showing them appreciation is essential. Staying calm under pressure while soothing tensions helps businesses maintain a strong reputation for caring and showing respect, even in the face of criticism.

7. Most Improved Performer

Everyone has something they can work on to improve their work performance. If an employee has gone above and beyond by attending training sessions or taking special courses, it is worthy of recognition and praise.

8. Tops In Engagement

Employees who fully engage with their work and fellow employees have the unique ability to bring people together in dynamic and positive ways. These people are often ripe for leadership positions and serve as role models for other employees who thrive on engagement.

9. Perfect Attendance

Showing up each day, and showing up on time, is not something ingrained in every employee, but employers can foster this essential skill with friendly motivation.

10. Most Creative and Innovative

Employees who think outside the box to come up with innovative and creative solutions to problems are keepers, and employers need to let them know how important their contributions are. These employees can work in any department or profession, as long as they offer a successful solution to an enduring or pressing problem.

Develop a Recognition Program with C.A. Short

All these awards might seem overwhelming without a plan. With C.A. Short Company, we become your partner for designing, developing, and implementing a strong employee recognition awards program. Our process and research-based platform help you recognize and reward your team to boost productivity and profits, motivate your staff to the benefit of the entire organization, and reward your people for the positive changes they make. Request a complimentary consultation of our platform today! 

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