Integrating ELDs with Employee Recognition for Truck Drivers

Feb 26, 2015 7:10:00 AM | Employee Recognition Integrating ELDs with Employee Recognition for Truck Drivers

This blog post is the 4th in a series of five blog posts about creating driver engagement.

The Benefits of ELDs

ELDs for Truck Driver Engagement - C.A. Short CompanyEvery year technology continues to improve. One area of recent improvement in the transportation industry is the creation and implementation of Electronic Logging Devices. ELDs are electronic devices that are capable of recording a driver's driving hours and duty status. ELDs are expected to be mandated for all carriers as early as January 2017.

The implementation of ELDs is good news for carriers. The Aberdeen Group sites that carriers with ELDs:

  • Cut Operating Costs by 10%
  • Reduced Vehicle Downtime by 15%
  • Improved Vehicle Utilization by 13%

ELDs Allow Increased Employee Recognition

However, The Invoice Factoring Blog has found that out of 2,300 drivers 71% said they were not in favor of having ELDs in their trucks.

That leads to the question: How can you make both the organization and drivers happy with this improving technology? The answer is simple: you use the technology to benefit your organization while at the same time, recognizing drivers for quality work that you might not have been able to do in the past.

The technology allows you to measure such metrics as:

  • Monitoring of truck routes and locations
  • The ability for drivers to send and receive two-way information exchanges in real time
  • Allowing fleet managers to monitor any unsafe or inefficient driving habits
  • Monitoring fuel consumption and tire pressure 

It will be great to be able to recognize a driver who consistently does not speed and always follows at a safe distance! These types of behaviors were nearly impossible to measure accurately without ELDs. At the monthly drivers meeting, you could shake the driver's hand in front of their peers and thank them for a job well done. You might even take it one step further and congratulate drivers with an Instant Award Card at the same time.

As I mentioned earlier, most drivers look at ELDs as a "big brother device." While they do give you the capability to monitor activity, they also let you recognize drivers for positive behaviors. This positive feedback and recognition will show your drivers you care about their safety and well-being! I am sure every driver and organization's number one goal is to have them home safely after each and every trip!

How would your organization benefit from increased employee engagement? Contact us today and watch your employee engagement and ROI soar.

Transportation - 5 Tips to Increase Driver Engagement - C.A. Short Company

At C.A. Short Company, we are your partner for increased employee engagement resulting in increased performance outcomes to grow your bottom line. Our process and research-based platform helps you engage your team in order to increase your bottom line, motivate your staff to the benefit of the entire organization, and reward your people for the positive changes they make. To request a Complimentary Consultation, please click here.