Communication of Employee Recognition Programs
Many organizations have established recognition programs to reward their employees for accomplishing various established goals. These programs can promote safety, performance, employee wellness, or any goal the company feels vital to performance outcomes.
If a company is in need of an employee recognition solution, there is an entire industry of companies that design employee recognition programs to meet their needs. However, as with anything, communication about the program itself is the key pillar for success. This is true from conception to implementation, to the evaluation of the program. It is important to market the program internally before total implementation.
Creating Interest for an Employee Recognition Program
It is often a good practice to have a recognition committee that includes a reliable representation of the employee base.
One benefit of this arrangement is that once you begin communicating the employee recognition program, there is a buzz and excitement among departments. Another key benefit is knowledge of their representation in program development allows employees to be more easily engaged.
Sparking employee interest through flyers, emails, department meetings, and more are great ways to begin the process of presenting the program. It is important to “sell” the program to those that will be participating in it in order to gain buy-in that will make the program a success.
Evaluation of an Employee Recognition Program
The initial communication is the easy part. Often, organizations do a great job communicating the kickoff of the program but fall flat in long-term engagement. Goals must be evaluated and updated as employees begin to achieve them. Employees must see that the program is mutually beneficial to both themselves and the organization. It is a win for both company and employee when an employee enhances their skill set, ingenuity, and personal lives. The employee now feels they have a seat at the company table. As a result, they are more likely to get others engaged and push themselves to continue achieving goals laid before them.
Organizations see a decline in program engagement once employees no longer have to put forth additional effort to meet their goals. Goals, requirements, and expectations should regularly be evaluated throughout the life of the program. It is vital for supervisors to both communicate the program to employees as well the program's success to their leaders.
In order for leaders to continue to find value in the employee recognition program, they must be able to see the ROI and an increase in productivity, engagement and other specified goals of the program. Communication is a 360-degree process that includes all aspects of the organization.
At C.A. Short Company, we are your partner for increased employee engagement resulting in increased performance outcomes to grow your bottom line. Our process and research-based platform helps you engage your team in order to increase your bottom line, motivate your staff to the benefit of the entire organization, and reward your people for the positive changes they make. To request a Complimentary Consultation, please click here.