We’ve known for quite some time now that Employee Engagement leads to much greater productivity and, ultimately, profits. Now, the latest Gallup data has proven that companies that have a Culture of Engagement provide much safer workplaces than those that do not.
What Does It Cost When Your Company Lacks a Culture of Engagement?
There is a worldwide epidemic when it comes to the lack of employee engagement. In fact, 87% of global employees report that they are not engaged at their company. As Gallup found out by reviewing the disastrous BP explosion in 2005, lack of engagement costs companies billions of dollars in damages and – much worse – the loss of human life. That was certainly the case for BP, where one incident cost 11 people their lives, dumped 3 million barrels of oil in the ocean and the company had to pay over $54 billion in damages.
The Benefits of Employee Engagement
The benefits of Employee Engagement from a financial perspective are well-documented. On average, companies who have engaged employees see 22% higher profitability, 21% higher productivity, and 37% less absenteeism. But, that’s not all.
Companies with engaged employees also provide much safer working environments than companies who lack a Culture of Engagement. Gallup’s 2016 meta-analysis study, which looked at over 1.8 million employees from 82,000 businesses, found that companies with engagement scores in the top 25% of Gallup’s employee engagement database have 70% fewer safety incidents than those located in the bottom 25%.
How Can You Create a Culture of Engagement at Your Company?
The most important thing your company can do is put in place a quality safety incentive program that fosters a meaningful Culture of Engagement.
C.A. Short Company has been assisting companies with their safety and incentive programs for decades. Our extensive experience in this area has led us to develop a powerful concept aimed at helping every brand build upon the successes of our clients. We refer to it simply as “Safegagement™.” Yes, Safegagement is about safety – but, it’s also about your company’s bottom line.
To continue reading about this powerful concept, grab a copy of our complimentary white paper - Safegagement™: Creating Companies That Thrive.
C.A. Short Company partners with companies to manage, drive and facilitate increased employee engagement to increase financial performance, productivity, quality, and core performance outcomes. Our process and research-based platform enables executives and managers to engage their teams to increase the bottom line, motivate staff, and incentivize positive behavior. To request a Complimentary Consultation, please click here.