What to Consider When Changing Years of Service Award Providers

Nov 5, 2019 7:45:00 AM | Employee Recognition What to Consider When Changing Years of Service Award Providers

change service award providers

You have been given a difficult, time consuming task. It's time to review your service award provider and you know you need a change.

Oh how you dread that transition! You know that being held accountable for the success of your program is a huge responsibility. Seth Godin's Lizard Brain Principle tells us that sometimes it's easier putting up with an inferior product, than making a needed change. Well, we believe it should be easy and seamless. Don't fear, the answer is near!

What's Your #1 Objective?

Your number one objective is to have an experienced service award provider, right? By experienced, that means more than 15 years in this Industry. You need a provider who works with you to build a program that fits all of YOUR needs, not their's.

You need a vendor who:

  1. Is open to suggestions and personalization
  2. Is always moving forward with the generational transitions
  3. Can lead you with today’s best practices
  4. 100% on-time and
  5. Complete

Of course, we always turn to Recognition Professional International (RPI ) for our best practice standards. As our workforces change, so do our needs for our service award program.

Is Your Current Service Award Program Measuring Up?

My next suggestion is to review your current program.

  • What are your current issues?
  • What do you like?
  • Did you have a set-up fee?
  • Do you currently have surcharges or monthly processing fees?
  • Have you recently reviewed your invoices?

A new charge popping up in the industry is "user license and admin fees." Review those fees before meeting with your prospective vendors, because many times those charges can increase your service award budget tremendously. Also, take into consideration that the “nickel and diming” that occurs can take away from your budget thus reducing your employees' award choices.

Now, we move to the topic that everyone seems to dread the most - the transition. You want the transition to be seamless, smooth, and simple. You are looking for turn-key solutions for your employees.  

Changing Service Award Providers can be a Good thing!

Let’s just close out this blog post with saying that needed change is good! Taking the plunge to research and revitalize your service award program can (and should) be a simple process. Take it step by step to ensure the best program for you and your employees.

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